9824447612, 9824443418

About Us
The World Famous Grand Master has Conducted REIKI, Crystal, EFT, Numerology, Tarot, Meditation, Trans Healing, Past Life Therapy, Nadi Shastra Workshops, & Vastu Consultancy all over the Globe Successfully.
He is the first Healer / Trainer conducted mass Healing Camps & Given Miraculous results within three days Since Last 12 years, in cases in Like Backache, Paralysis, Cancer, HIV, T.B.. & Other Chronic Diseases. S. Gopal Dev has devoted his life toward Spiritual Healing Systems. since 1996. Recently he has developed Miracle of Healing "Reon Power".
He is known for his excellent achievement in healing power, positive thinking, attitude and above all he has got that extraordinary vision. He is known for his counseling ,compassionate nature, firm words which has brought difference in many people’s life.
Our Services
Mission & Vision
To bridge up the gap between insights and outsights of present environment so that an individual can face the challenge in a more confident and positive manner.
To add values to this beautiful world by making a major positive difference in life of people.
To enhance the physical , mental & emotional, social and economical well being whole and completely.

Healing Happiness
- Reiki Healing
- CRYSTAL Healing
- VASTU Healing
- Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
- Tarot

Home Happiness
- Relationship Counselling
- Vastu & Crystal Vastu
- Teen - Parenting
- Inner Child Awakening

Health Happiness
- Totla Body Analysis
- Diet Counselling
- Naturopathy
- Yoga
- Reflexology