9824447612, 9824443418
Unnivesal Foundation
The World Famous Grand Master has Conducted REIKI, Crystal, EFT, Numerology, Tarot, Meditation, Trans Healing, Past Life Therapy, Nadi Shastra Workshops, & Vastu Consultancy all over the Globe Successfully.
He is the first Healer / Trainer conducted mass Healing Camps & Given Miraculous results within three days Since Last 12 years, in cases in Like Backache, Paralysis, Cancer, HIV, T.B.. & Other Chronic Diseases. S. Gopal Dev has devoted his life toward Spiritual Healing Systems. since 1996. Recently he has developed Miracle of Healing "Reon Power"

He is known for his excellent achievement in healing power, positive thinking, attitude and above all he has got that extraordinary vision. He is known for his counseling ,compassionate nature, firm words which has brought difference in many people’s life. His Will Power can be compared with the Iron Man Of India – Sardar Valabh Bhai Patel. He Has seen lots of hardships and struggles in his younger days , his life has never been a bed of roses. He accepted all the challenges with open mind and smile on his face.
Crystals Healing, research,use and development - It is the passion of S Gopal Dev
Academic Qualification
M.Com, L.L.B, D.C.A., C.A.I.I.B., M.D.(A.M.), PhD (A.M.), D.Sc (A.M.)
Join Spiritual Healing World In 1995 With Reiki Healing And Become A Grand Master/ Trainer/ Healer In
Different therapies Such As
Reiki, Crystal, E.F.T., Tarot, Numerology, Vastu, Bio Energies Etc...
Special Areas Of
Anger Management, Stress Management, Time Management, Emotional Intelligence, Meditations
He Has Developed A.T.M. (ANY TIME MEDITATION) and C.O.P. (cosmic Ordering Program)
A Power Of Attracting Solution Of Any Problem By Way Of Six Senses Meditation And He Has Conducted Workshops In More Than 200 Cities Of Seven (7) Countries I.e. U.S.A., U.K., Canada, Tanzania (Africa), Sri Lanka Dubai, And India He Has Conducted 25 Spiritual Healing Camp With Help Of Meditations and Healing Techniques, Given the Miracles Results Within 3 Days
Awards and Achievement
- 4 Time Gold Medal As A Best Healer And Trainer By INDIAN BOARD OF ALTERNATIVE MEDICINES
-Sewa Ratna Puraskara By IBAM At India Level In 2004
-Life Time Healing Achievement Award By International Open University (Colombo)Sri Lanka
-Gujarat Ratna By SBI Union In 2005
-Best Healer and Trainer By R.A. Shah Trust U.S.A.
- Several Clubs like Lions Club Name Facilitated So Many Times.
Corporate Trainings
- Gujarat Electricity Board Conducted Workshops For Continues 4 Year Of All Power Stations Of GUJARAT
-Avaya Global Connect Ltd (MULTINATIONAL) (Sister Concern Of Avaya U.S.A.)
- BENNEMET Corporation Ahmadabad.
Workshops conducted by S Gopal Dev
- Reiki
- Crystal
- Numerology
- Crystal Vastu
- Tarot
-Reon Power Spark Your Brain(D M I T)
- Mind Power
- Home Happiness